A UX project aiming to help those within adult social care better communicate through a multitude of user friendly techniques
CareConnect Web App
CareConnect Healthcare Webapp
Due to the high number of employees within healthcare staff, it can sometimes be harder to organize things like shift changes and communicate messages. Our product supplies industries a platform to connect, communicate personally and on a larger scale, keeping track of client healthcare that is easily translatable to other industries.
One of the biggest problems that the NHS have is sending the elderly home after treatment due to lack of communication between industries, as well as translation of client information. This results in a difficulty in finding the right care for the patient. This then means beds are occupied, regardless of the clients being able to be released, and in turn slows down the process of seeing someone else in need of help. Similarly, residents within an elderly home and those who receive care from home can receive a higher quality of care due to better organization.
Introducing CareConnect, the web app for Health care professionals.
This project greatly contributed to my impressive outcome at the University of Reading. This web app design project focused on the building blocks of web design including the process of analysis information including pain points and user needs. Through the use of interviews, personas and intense brainstorming we concise a web app that aims to aid a problem outlined by those found within the process. There is also a user testing phase which allowed me, through the use of different techniques, to identity areas that needed adjusting in order to be more user-friendly.
With a social care crisis amongst use the need for a webapp like this has never been more crucial. Aspects of the crisis are partially due to under-funding and under-staffing but I believe that effective organisation and communication could help better connect healthcare staff and result in a much happier and easier work flow.
Industries are finding a growing difficulty in communicating with one another at the detriment of the patients care. There is a clear gap in the market for this proposition. This prospect is unlike anything else currently presented which may be why there is a healthcare crisis.