A bespoke magazine, all content and designs of which curated from myself. This project focused on streetwear culture, embodying a youthful aesthetic

CRYPTIC Independent Magazine

Introducing CRYPTIC

For this University project we had create a new magazine representing a form of art. Of course, I had to base mine around the wonders of streetwear - my biggest passion. This was by far one of my favourite projects I had ever endured. I decided to call my magazine 'Cryptic' which is a play on the idea of underground cultural relations to streetwear. I curated everything within this project from the branding behind it to the content and images seen throughout. Particularly taking inspiration from The basement.

streetwear magazine covers

After deciding on the content of my magazine it was time to pay closer attention to the cover and the branding within. I wanted my masthead to be hard to read and almost invisible as a literal play on the idea of being 'Cryptic'. Here are a few examples of me brainstorming for my front cover. All of the front covers above spell 'Cryptic' from the side and the images make up the word. There are also some illustrative brush strokes seen here to represent the creativity of fashion as well as creating a homegrown feel reflecting the casual attire or streetwear. 

The Cover Series


Inside Pages

Magazine inside pages. Designed with Adobe inDesign, Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator.

Pitch presentation/Report: Design choices, Explanation & Breakdown. Designed with Adobe inDesign.

My Pitch

Online Presence

Presenting an idea of online presence for my magazine and what this might consist of. Corresponding website - Presenting an idea of online presence for my magazine and what this might consist of. Website designed with Adobe XD.


Kayco' Branding


Move to Zero Shoebox (re)Design